What is on offer in the ADC and how do I qualify?

The AMATEUR DARTS CIRCUIT offers many different pathways and opportunities. We have separate ranking tables for each pathway.

The MAIN ranking tables are:


Here we will break-down each concept, the opportunities available and the pathway’s to end of year majors.


Weekly Round-Robin Series
◦ Fast Fire Format
◦ Multiple games for £6 Entry

The VAULT offers opportunities locally, regionally and nationally. Progress from your local venue to the regional finals. Progress from your local bar to the national finals. Ultimately, win spots on the MODUS Super Series and be in with a chance to win £25,000+.

The VAULT ranking points are separate from the ‘Open Ranking Tables’ which feature the Regional and UK/Ireland Tables. The points you earn at a VAULT, stay within the VAULT structure.


Opportunities –


·      Top 16 players after the 7-week Series will receive a payout

·      Top 12 players every Series qualify for National Finals (If already qualified, moves to the next available player – Total of 60 players per region will qualify every year)

·      Top 32 players will playoff for a MODUS Super Series invite

·      Top 32 players with an average under 65 will qualify for the Level Up Regional Finals Day – The winner of this event will qualify for the LEVEL UP National Finals

Find more information HERE.


In conjunction with THE VAULT.

LEVEL UP offers opportunities to beginners and social players.

This is determined on a running average throughout the VAULT SERIES.

If you have a running average of 65 AND BELOW and finish in the top 32 players to do so, you will qualify for the LEVEL UP REGIONAL FINALS. Each finals day will feature a minimum of £100 Prize Fund.

This allows all levels of abilities to enjoy success and ultimately, improve and LEVEL UP.



Receive ranking points from playing in ADC SANCTIONED OPENS. This includes the Winmau Championship Tour.

These competitions are separate from THE VAULT ROUND-ROBINS. These are predominantly, straight knockout competitions held on weekends.


◦ Regional Tables - There are 11 Regional Tables in the UK - Found HERE

◦ UK Ranking Table - Main UK Order of Merit with all regional tables combined - Found HERE

◦ Ireland -  National Main Order of Merit - Found HERE


Opens class as any Round-Robin or Knockout competition that plays down to a winner on the day. Players receive ranking points based on how many players were in the field and on better placed finishes.

For e.g

38 players in attendance:

Winner – 64 pts
Runner up – 32 Pts
Semis – 16 pts
Quarters – 8 pts
Last 16 – 4 pts
Last 32 – 2 pts
Last 64 – 1 pt

There must be a minimum of 16 players in attendance to receive ADC Ranking Points.

Opportunities –


·      Player top of their regional table every 6 months will receive a cash bonus of £100 (Cut offs June 30th & December 31st)

·      Every 6 months the top 32 players in the regional table will playoff. The winner will then face the Regional Title Holder on an Undisputed LIVE show. The Winner of the title match will receive a MODUS Super Series invite.

·      Top 2 Regional Players by June 30th will qualify for the UK & IRELAND CLASSIC Finals

·      Top 3 in the UK Ranking Table by October 31st will qualify for the ADC GLOBAL CHAMPIONSHIP.


 Regional, National and International Titles.

 The reigning champions receive benefits such as:


·      MODUS Super Series Invite

·      Perform LIVE at a Professional Exhibition

·      ADC Global Championship Qualification (Coming Soon)


Regional Titles


The top 32 players in every region, every 6 months, will playoff in a 32-field competition. The winner of this competition will then receive a shot to face the current Regional Title Holder.

This event will take place on an UNDISPUTED LIVE Show in front of family and friends.

The Winner of the title match, will be crowned Regional Title Holder and receive a MODUS Super Series Invite.

Regional Titles include Wales, Northern Ireland, Ireland & Scotland Titles

Two Cut Offs a year:

December 31st

June 30th


English National Title


The current highest-ranked English player on the main ADC UK Ranking Table, every 6 months, will have the opportunity to take on the current English Title Holder at an UNDISPUTED LIVE Show event.

The winner of this match will receive a MODUS Super Series Invite.

European & Global Titles…..





We have FOUR End of Year Major Events.



·      £50,000 Prize Fund

·      660 players (60 players per region)

·      Played at the National Finals in October

Qualify by placing in the top-12 players in your region in a vault series. A total of 60 players per region will qualify per season.

If a player has already qualified in a previous series, the next available player below them will be selected.




·      £13,200 Prize Fund

·      32 players will qualify. 2x players per regional table. 4x next best from UK Order of Merit. 6x Qualifiers to be held in July, August & September.

·      Played at the National Finals in October

·      Cut off is June 30th every year.

Qualify by placing in the top 2 in your regional table by June 30th.
Qualify by placing in the NEXT BEST in the UK Ranking Table. If you finish third in your region, but are in the FOUR NEXT BEST in the UK Ranking Table, not to have qualified, you will qualify. Cut Off 30th June.



·      £10,000 Prize Fund

·      Top 8 players from the Winmau Championship Tour

·      LIVE on YouTube at MODUS Live Lounge, Portsmouth

Qualify by placing in the top 8 players in the tour table



·      £85,000 Prize Fund

·      Top 24 International Players will qualify from selected tours and ranking tables

·      LIVE on YouTube at MODUS Live Lounge, Portsmouth

·      Top 3 in UK Ranking Table will qualify (For 2025)

·      Cut off is October 31st every year

Qualify by placing in the top 3 in the uk ranking table by October 31st (For 2025)
Qualify by placing in the top 3 in the Winmau Tour ranking table. (For 2025)

(If a player is in both the UK Ranking Table & Tour Ranking Table positions. The UK Ranking Table spot will take precedent and the next spot will be awarded to the tour ranking table.

A UK Ranking Table spot will carry more weight in qualification, by offering more money and more chances of qualifying for the ADC Global Championship Quarter Finals)

Last chance qualifiers are also held throughout the year for the UK & IRELAND CLASSIC & GLOBAL CHAMPIONSHIP.


 December 31st - Cut off for Regional Table Top 32 players. 32-player competition will follow. Winner faces Regional Title Holder for shot on MODUS Super Series

◦ December 31st - £100 Bonus for player Top of Regional Table

◦ June 30th - Cut off for Regional Table Top 32 players. 32-player competition will follow. Winner faces Regional Title Holder for shot on MODUS Super Series

◦ June 30th - £100 Bonus for player Top of Regional Table

◦ June 30th - Top 2 regional players in every table will qualify for the UK & IRELAND CLASSIC FINALS

◦ June 30th - Next FOUR BEST in the UK Ranking Table, not qualified via their regional ranking tables, will qualify for the UK & IRELAND CLASSIC FINALS

◦ October 31st - Top 3 players in the UK Ranking Table will qualify for the ADC Global Championships in December with an £85,000 Prize Fund. The Top 3 players from the WINMAU TOUR Table will also qualify.


UK PLAYERS - Join HERE via Darts Atlas.

IRELAND PLAYERS - Join HERE via Darts Atlas.

Make sure you join the ‘ADC UK’ or ‘ADC Ireland’ League on Darts Atlas to start your membership. Once done, you will start gaining ranking points. This can be done using the links above.

Your membership will state active as shown below: